Ingenieros Inspectores Asociados C. Ltda.

Hydrostatic Testing

Cdla. Los Alamos Mz. K V.11. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
Telefax. 593 4 2391805 / 2693139. P.O. BOX. 9689
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 Hydrostatic testing of low pressure (0-1000 psi).
 Hydrostatic testing of high pressure (0-10000 psi).
 Optical Light for internal inspection.
 Dryers of floor.
 Dryers on head.

 Tests for fire hoses.

 Tests for pipes, ducts, boilers or any team to work under pressure (tests up to 500 psi).





Hydrostatic testing of low pressure

Hydrostatic testing of low pressure



Hydrostatic testing of high pressure

Hydrostatic testing of high pressure

Light Optics for Internal Inspection

Light Optics for Internal Inspection


We serve at the port or place that the customer needs: Guayaquil, La Libertad, Pto. Bolivar, Manta, Esmeraldas, Galapagos.

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