Ingenieros Inspectores Asociados C. Ltda.

Inspection of Firefighting Equipment

Cdla. Los Alamos Mz. K V.11. Guayaquil-Ecuador.
Telefax. 593 4 2391805 / 2693139. P.O. BOX. 9689
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Inspection and Certification of Fixed Extinguishing Systems


 Co2 Systems - Level Check Inspection.
 Dry Chemical Powder Systems - Physical Analysis.
 Foam System - Chemical Analysis.


Inspection and Certification of Portable Extinguishing Equipments


 Dry powder, Co2, Foam, Water Portable Extinguishers.
 Supply of New Extinguishers.
 Low and high pressure hydrotests.

Inspection and Certification of Compressed Air Equipments

 Breathing Apparatus, EEBDs and their spare cylinders.
 High pressure hydrotests.



Portable Fire Extinguishers

Portable Fire Extinguishers

Compressed Air equipments

Refill Carbon Dioxide

We serve at the port or place that the customer needs: Guayaquil, La Libertad, Pto. Bolivar, Manta, Esmeraldas, Galapagos.

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